is for us to work together to solve ourproblems i don't see the republicans that there's no effort by republicansactually s any kind of bill nobel whatsoever status for the stuff every at as havingdemocratic leader ask you to apologize to the republicans naalai you know ihave asked the because i say with everyone else is thatthey take the set as a moderate activity of course the apologized deposit is intentional violence inamerica a little over the top that off there are still undecided
that i stuttered you on the elmo does you on the allabout apologize how about that the little ones to our school over theamerican people these guys are the reason why forty fivethousand evil barrier because they don't have access to health insurance theseguys are the reason that and medical bills in the number one cause of theirown bankruptcy then i start maybe call you back in a commercialapologise now how about he apologize
okada boundaries in his is without adoubt that's representative of the people i've ever seen in my life deepest on this is such a classic immediately submit that well six foursix a celestial light it's a question of what is the correctedplagued by itself do you want to make sure that peoplehave for the whole universal conference of elephants thought that when i get outof the republicans actually have a very difficult because of the democrats dothat is very concrete instead of a big
gamble this polo display status five six seven corcoran gothic airportis that he will not have a shopping not only the top of but mrs chaplan prospering church prosperoand i had to leave it at stop sign the letter yes by saying that advantage by interested as a society andyou know that's people who get republicans money but what yasir arafat is that everybody elsewhat daria and that's why it was just
like to have to do because i wasn't surehow to help in this country discuss terms hypothesis date schedule clichedaria as i understand that that's all that sort of glory of the jurors whattest your statement on the house floor do to raise the level of the debate ordo you to help get health reform as in united states congress if that'swhat you want to get the they get suspended cast happen is happening
where waiting and waiting and waitingall people die a harvard study was published just two weeks ago said fortyfour thousand americans die every year for lack of health coverage that's over four thousand almost every month while we were debating this today on thefloor of the house another forty of them dot but how does this get the debateback on track because again i didn't have to turn the fact that there is abill and on the other side there is
nothing is that a lot of negativism pakistanblocking every single thing that you tried to get these come up withsomething is important but we we should give the congressman's asapthanks for something that he is at least giving aptitude for republicans toresponsible in this debate welfare hillary clinton says let's say that therepublicans have no i think that they actually but i thought i would like toask are already a graduate at before uh... i play james carvel asking thatquestion there
this is the brilliance of alan graysonand his political strategy now first of all everything he's sayingis is true right i mean you can say oh it's going to force they want people todie quickly the off acts of their policies thatthey're in favor of or not to be able sp what will happen if you implement therepublican policies which we had by the way before obama care people dot like you just said he said forty-fourthousand on these probably talking to the same studies me forty five thousandright
yeah okay there's a well they don'tnecessarily want people to die but people are dying as a result oftheir policies so it's a little bit of a new wants a little bit of a distinctionbut one of the conversation we're having see now the question that's being asked well ways i get are the republicans infavor of people dying so you changed the conversation youchange the dynamic of the conversation and political strategy is all about itwas in the question not me answer and the question is are republicans in favor of
having people dot and that's the conversation you'rehaving the democrats want why because you have up affectivelyportraying the opposition as ridiculous as extreme harlow remove codes is exactly what theyare for the policy that they're in favor so alan grayson actually nails it he's got everybody on the defense there well you're going to proposals fromrepublican on the panel
uh... and this is what you always heard fromrepublicans in terms of uh... health care reform all we should be able to buy acrossstate lines and we should do tort reform which by the way all that does is make it so that uh... people can seetheir doctors as easy has all any of the underlying problemsof health care the uh... the amount of people that areunderinsured the the bankruptcy being it
the medical building a noble cause abankruptcy a dozen address any of those things and buying a crossed a linethere's elemental lower the uh... because tremendously look they've done studies on at theamount to a lower the cost is nowhere near the amount that would be lowered ifwe did actual effective health care reform like medicare for all
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