john albert is a safe favor a bit of anarkansas and he's decided add that he's gonna make his uh... who is clear about black folks so is actually written this town in letters to the editors uh... examplepeace with the other about a frustrated conservative legacy waste frustrated because he's oneof the most people in the country so curio he says will ever becomepossible for black people in the united states of america to firmly establishedthemselves as inclusive and tutoring
members of society within this countrywhy john that is such a good question one does wonder this guy's a representative both all thepeople in his perry he's a slight people are unable to a catch up with us compat alright unique that's pat with justinwarms up blacks simply can't learn to appreciatethe value of a digit education buddy is that turns out black screwed up education forwhites
really let's find out how well thisrubber says whether the stated purposes of school integration was to bring black students up to alevel close to that of white suits butler great disappointment of everyonethe results of this theory work exactly reverse of its intended purpose and instead of black since arisingvegetation a levels previously obtained by white students the watsons drop to the level of blackstudents
to make matters worse the lack ofdiscipline animation a black students became shared by their white classmates and our educational system has been a steady decline ever since all i love that you're if you're wondering why waste isreduced about in the country what of course not white people's fault their parents fault is on thegovernment's fault for constantly
tearing down public school systemsgiving them less for the cytolytic black people's fault i think it was well i don't want as inthe school why corrupted or go to white kids well r_u_c_ why that is a brillianttheory if you thought that was bad enough it just keeps getting worse here's aspots on slavery global it is automated right this decision of slavery but the black race is long believed tobe an abomination upon his people
may actually had been a blessing indisguise the black student or those conditionsand who could endure those conditions acertain senses would someday be rewarded was citizenship in the greatest nationever established upon the face of the earth actually they wouldn't really berewarded maybe they're great grandkids would they'll just be slaves for therest of their life has some would say this but straightface well look john robert leading such a great idea to be a slightbreak
one evening last and you do everything i tell you you do all my work for annually in fort knox except i might have sex with your how are your daughters of a hot i mighthave sex with them to you and i might ship them off to otherstates for my own profit
all your sons if you have any obviouslyi'll sell them off to i_d_ extra money if you disagree with any of this filewiki maybe i'll even killing slavery it's a blessing in disguise whywouldn't you want it john robert come onsite not be my slay anything is such a great thing why don'twe go to you although prices are for white people asfor black tea now he ironically also says americanchristians pursuing a similar stance as of the citizens of germany
eureka restore honesty power but after hearing all this incrediblybigoted racist talk which by the way hitler absolutely agreed with i wonder if you use that as a warning or as a positive thing state representative now with is the rates of mustard animalregina all and republicans i don't know why after the murders whenboth of them but he's a he's only what he's not theonly one
let's go to laura match who is also republican savers are fromour side he said about the program linking he's a fake neurotic northern warcriminal and he is committed premeditated murder on the passage okay i think they're lovely guy intoshock to find out that day he's part of the
pose confederate groups that uh... whichconfederacy was still run in fact he says quote confederate flag is a symbol ofchristian liberty verses the new world order by that i mean you see me as the newworld order of eighteen sixty one or eighteen sixty five fingerprint heehee so in the past is like that you believe the new changeswe have in eighteen sixty he continues
if slavery were so god awful wide in jesus or paul condemning why was it in the constitution and why wasn't there a war beforeeighteen sixty one why that is just really we had a war over a hundred fifty years ago to get rid of slavery bassist why did you do it on in sixtyyears ago bc that obviously sorus is a great fact
these guys got elected at some point these guys are officials in therepublican party and you wonder why african american onboard for all of you wonder why mit romney the leader of the republicanparty now running for president is poet ninety-six zero among africaneric's
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