that's going to be put out thehealthcare industry nonsense right absolute nonsense effective such nonsense this is greatyou ready for this pricewaterhouse cooper is the companythat they hired to do the study pricewaterhousecoopers now saying that ocampo well you know we want kindasings ourselves from that study a nicer late you know the highest in the waythat we stick by it i don't know here is that uh... quoted a spokespersonsaid at pricewaterhouse cooper america's health insurance plans engagepricewaterhousecoopers to prepare a
report their focus on four components inthe senate finance committee proposal as a report itself acknowledges otherprovisions that are part of health reform proposals were not included andthe pricewaterhousecoopers analysis in other words we purposely left thingsout to make it seem like the premiums we're gonna go up because that's what the health careinsurance lobby pasted this study garbage it's not worth the printedindependent it spread out so
u_s_a_ collection of republicans uh...r_u_ four when we say some of the study came outto the republican this and pretend it's reality so in this could be a neck here fromsenator kyle from arizona all republicans etc wrap-up for wisconsin is a very or the directorof of the congressional budget office was gonna tell 'em no you're wrong anaccordion from texas a bunning from kentucky and then gingrich as well ontoa swatch c_b_o_ and norman
and the price waterhouse all agree that insurance premiums for families inamerica will go up uh... you indicated that although youhave escorted and don't have specific numbers that the overall impact of this bill onthe cost of health care insurance will be to drive the cost of insurance butthat is that correct but that is not a conclusion about that what we stand separate matter et cetera bacchus a fewweeks ago
is arriving forces working on affectingfive insurance premiums any amount of people would pay for health insurance and some of the changes that both thewhich tend to push down the spring in some weekend without those premiums because there are so many conflictingforces we've not been able to assess the net impact on p_b_s_ sold since there was a little bit ofnews made over the weekend about the price waterhouse study
i want to confirm the fact that thatstudy was in fact backed up both by mail another health care consultant and bythe c_b_o_ footballer with a group that premiums will go up speculation but that is not conclude ourcenter about gopac too some of the discussion about the uh...pricewaterhousecoopers study that was released before it has been uh...criticized because it was paid for by the insurance industry can it would beuh... a cruel of cruel alcon indeed if in fact
unintentionally we actually increasedanother health insurance costs any recent study suggests that american families will paymore than four hundred her four thousand dollars in nineteen trucker twenty thousand nineteen becauseof this bill it increases the average insurance premium for mark americanfamilies back one thousand dollars and building twentyfive million americans uninsured
when i tell you that i said in themilitary supports with us so they're they're court records i mean they just took that study whichnow the guys who conducted the study price war as it is regular quotepressing and that study was total bs trip but they can and our politics can increase yourpremium cc dot the healthcare industry told me to and as of this e-mail said except thec_b_o_ director you just saw on the tape that's not what we're telling
not is not our conclusion and then you saw a bunny in there what a prophetic all four you know in the year twenty thousandnineteen ukrainians are gonna go up one twentythousand nineteen probably they will uh... anyway okay if you can just theirbought and paid man annie if you are a conservative in your lives or on these republicans tofight for you about that corporate interest a fight for theaverage american notebook compact happen
i'd feel bad for you meant it it'll giveit a brats pass about you all they care about is the guys orpayment and has a perfect sample of how bought and sold a
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