associate of applied for and i can do ablock or activities of the state's if you've got seven hundred seventy billiondollars out of that program over the next ten years as they have no impact onlegitimate recipients fees are increased that have happenedyet survive repealing obama here and the medicaid expansions which hadparker yes where they stand repenting explosion ofour program is already fail for saint don't grow this programthrough our hair because it doesn't work prevent that brought from home goingbecause it's not going to work for her
people we'll try to help us to hurthospitals estates and get this case and for that they wereasking for indiana is a perfect example they have afantastic medicaid program and they say he was created in indiana as part of a successful it's workingwell for obama they're prevented from goingforward we want to give states like indianastays at the start of the tools they need to make these benefits work fortheir populations and we don't want to push more peopleinto a failed program
and by not pushing him with his familyprogram reduce it is that the addresses i must say i didn't understand it are you saying that as part of yourbudget he would work for you know you assume the repeal of obama there well that's not a no i don't know uh... party about a year so many repealof obama care was on a happen that i love them and i love the oneinterviewer is just so dry again factual
note but he's appointed person right andthat was amazing is that polarize budget assumes therepeal of obama care but helping u was silly budget of course that budgetsnot gonna pass democrats control and they control the presidency a lot of the l_a_ even if it hypothetically got through the senate which by the way i won't get theirdescended because it's
democratic-controlled what planet are you living on where youwant has your budget into law the party a budget is that you were peel one of his signature is not thesignature piece of legislation obon as attributed to his name but what they knew branch overall off into a bigger discussion here which is log let me explain to you theinherent contradiction the republican party and obama carebecause honestly it's getting to the
point now were i don't even have a goodexplanation for this look for those of you guys who might notknow the ins and outs of obama care let me just explain it as simple as i canright off the bat aur bata care is a very pro businesspiece of legislation because it mandates that individuals have have to go to the private sector by law to buy their insurance
now you guys know i'm in favor of amedicare for all system so this is not my ideal system is better than nothing we have to realize is better thannothing but the same time and also a really benefits the insurance companies and that's why they ended up being for it inthe end that's why the legislation and in a passing in the end he gets it
pro-business friendly and as we all know businesses run ourgovernment because they didn't get a confirmation begin thepolitician contributions so think about this man the legislation is light by the healthinsurance companies it's a light by the democrats want majority and it's like spy the majority of theamerican people right becoming try to go up to the to somebody else a all yeahyou were briefly covered for your
prejudging edition now we're kickingyour ass off who's gonna think that's a good idea ortry going up to our poor little girl whose armor for park surgery who had a lifetime cappuccino and say all they have co as part of alot of care uh... we have gotten rid of a lifetimecap so they have to save your life now we're bringing cap back on try not to allow some uh... one of the american eagle say
yeah you know we demanded that eightypercent of the money spent by health insurance companies has to be fouractual healthcare an operation cost now we're going to go back to sixty percentof it a fifty percent bono is in favor of that what you crazybut i think that's nuts but that's the thing is that the democrats like obama care the american people likeobama care any industry insurance companies likeobama care because they are more people in there
that they have to pay them right but the only people who starts a notknow her appeal it are the republicans how can you say that because normallythe republicans do whatever industry tells them that's the whole point of the republicanparty is to do exactly what corporations want there all the on subsidiary of corporateamerica but this is one area where they're notdoing with the corporations want their
likha no rust on the front appeal it i literally don't know the motivationfor them to do that i don't get it buyers don't get it in u dot is not allpolitics are read out by now lost and then becomes even more staggeringwhen you look at the numbers ryan's plan like we said would repealobama care but look at this ironing attack that mit romney implore i imagineso by ledger in the campaign or bomb a cut medicare by seven hundredsixty million dollars how many
however you want to cut medicare and allthe people so they talked about that remembered thethe fact was that that seven hundred sixteen billion was in fact not a cuts that uh...medicare benefits it was a cut to the providers there were price-gouging it was a cut tomedicare part b_ right is the guts of for-profit mental andthat was galluci well now of course the rhine budget he's like yall of let's keep in at sevenhundred sixteen billion cut
what happened and i thought you wereagainst the tide now here for now you're raising as part of your budget so i love that irony in that hypocrisy but they try to repeal a bother to therepublican party thirty three times were you doing right what a tremendous waste of time there's they spent over fifty milliondollars trying to repeal it and eighty-nine man hours trying to repealit
michelle bachman i think she providedweather with the thirty second author teacher third time she proposed a bill she proposed it thevery first bill congress this session before b they did this in the village wasdesperately needed and people were waiting for killing an accolade who cares peopleneed to eat and their houses were destroyed but our appealed their healthcare now this party is uh... look they'vegone off the rails brought the rock or
even the so-called smart ones firing up smarter at all polarize right e is appointees a fool you know what he's doing and then last thing is file on them the orwellian terms that they have touse to sell their ideas so paul ryan that was his idea is not
is not popular his ideas privatizing medicare and giving people uh... making a voucher system right sohe knows it's not popular later on this same clip with chris wallace chris wall says why are you giving thema block grant about your uh... you're gonna affect people thatway right and for those none of those on aboutyour it's a premium benefit system european benefit system is
it's about her it's a new term of art that they used todescribe about your because they know how unpopular voucher is and theirpollsters and frank once in a language experts at stay away from that were saypremium benefit this way confuses people nego well let's just take a call i guess ilike that
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