Tuesday, February 7, 2017

republican plan

republican plan

uh... ok robert draper is putting out abook that is called do not ask what good we do inside the u_s_ house ofrepresentatives and in this he talks about this four-hour invitation onlymeeting that took place with a bunch of republican if elected officials and theg_o_p_'s propaganda minister frank luntz the good doctor frank once you'refamiliar with him louis yes basically what happened here sabotage or as um... uh... what's his name uh... shatner as lewis at it like to sayseven package

people twenty-seventh has to be americaneconomy and now who was on the guest list will newt gingrich was their but also we hadcalled ryan their eric cantor pete sessions jim demand jon kyl tom coburnjohn ensign bob corker a lot of these relatively prominent republican electedofficials okay and the plan here was to discuss bringing congress to a completestandstill regardless of how much it would hurt the american economy uh...regardless of how much it would hurt the middle class

regardless of how much it would hurt boaters simply to obstruct and block presidentobama on all legislation that they can we didn't really need more evidence thatthis was what was being discussed among republicans but a free have it might as well discussthat i'm not surprised at all okay now is is their anyway is there anyway to be doing this for thedue to the country now im i'm really

china grasping something here but what let's say that the idea behind this was that we have tomake sure obama fails so that we can actually do some good andhave a republican in office next timex election right but the problem is it's aself-fulfilling prophecy because they are causing him to quote fail by simply obstructing all of thedifferent bills that would help the american economy so make sure he fails by

literally making the country fail no question about and then we thoughtfew months after this covert meeting where there was this planet sabotage in march of two thousand nine dotcongressman pete sessions so that that republicans should be following themodel of the taliban in its battles against president obamathis is incredible he said in an interview with thenational journal calleb insurgency we understand perhapsa little bit more because of the taliban

insurgency is the way they went aboutsystematically understanding how to disrupt and change a person's entire process and these taliban is an example of howyou go about the change a person book strange strange grammar but the change of person from theirmessage into their operations their front-line message we need to understand that the insurgency may be required whendealing with the other side if they referring to democrats do not give usthose options are opportunities we will

become the insurgency i think aninsurgency mindset and attitude is one we're going to have to search for andfind ways to get our message out incredible republican suggesting taliban mechanisms yes to fight againstpresident a-bomb of course socially at the the taliban references already beenmade with the people we're talking about ofcourse not by themselves by right by their opponents but uh... apparently they're all about itincredible so if you needed it yet more evidence that republicans want to seethe economy fails then pick up unseat

president obama we have it here uh... in this new book and it is is disturbing but i'm gladrobert draper is writing about this for a few more days the networks nationmembership specialist going on state twenty twelve or get a free in a package that he should we domembership but it didn't happen dot com slash mattress you also get the bonus show we will talkabout so much lewis will take a break

and be back with more after this david packed michelle david patrick dot com

republican plan to replace obamacare

republican plan to replace obamacare

since the day it was signed into law, obamacare has been on the defense. and in a trump administration, it could actually be left in tatters. only the republicans don't exactly have a health care plan to enact in its place. their strategy: repeal and delay. they want to repeal obamacare as quickly as possible, while giving themselves a two to three year grace

period to come up with an alternative plan. in order to expedite the vote, house republicans are taking advantage of the budget process, which eliminates the democrats ability to filibuster. so what does that mean for healthcare? the gop plans are scarce on information, but there are two major issues with the republican approach.

obamacare created the which requires everyone -- healthy and sick -- to buy insurance. remember: healthy people balance out costs and keep premiums low. republicans want to abolish the mandate. that means healthy people are less likely to buy coverage and sick people would get stuck with higher and higher premiums.

insurance companies have adjusted their plans to obamacare, but without a replacement, they don't know how to prepare for the future. this uncertainty would likely lead companies to pull out of obamacare's state-level marketplaces. with fewer companies in the marketplace, premiums will rise. and so begins the spiral:

competition decreases, premiums rise, more healthy people leave, and on and on and on... until the whole system collapses. repeal and delay isn't final yet and there are some republicans who don't want it to be. but in the meantime,

at least 20 million people's access to healthcare hangs in the balance.

Monday, February 6, 2017

republican plan for health care

republican plan for health care

is for us to work together to solve ourproblems i don't see the republicans that there's no effort by republicansactually s any kind of bill nobel whatsoever status for the stuff every at as havingdemocratic leader ask you to apologize to the republicans naalai you know ihave asked the because i say with everyone else is thatthey take the set as a moderate activity of course the apologized deposit is intentional violence inamerica a little over the top that off there are still undecided

that i stuttered you on the elmo does you on the allabout apologize how about that the little ones to our school over theamerican people these guys are the reason why forty fivethousand evil barrier because they don't have access to health insurance theseguys are the reason that and medical bills in the number one cause of theirown bankruptcy then i start maybe call you back in a commercialapologise now how about he apologize

okada boundaries in his is without adoubt that's representative of the people i've ever seen in my life deepest on this is such a classic immediately submit that well six foursix a celestial light it's a question of what is the correctedplagued by itself do you want to make sure that peoplehave for the whole universal conference of elephants thought that when i get outof the republicans actually have a very difficult because of the democrats dothat is very concrete instead of a big

gamble this polo display status five six seven corcoran gothic airportis that he will not have a shopping not only the top of but mrs chaplan prospering church prosperoand i had to leave it at stop sign the letter yes by saying that advantage by interested as a society andyou know that's people who get republicans money but what yasir arafat is that everybody elsewhat daria and that's why it was just

like to have to do because i wasn't surehow to help in this country discuss terms hypothesis date schedule clichedaria as i understand that that's all that sort of glory of the jurors whattest your statement on the house floor do to raise the level of the debate ordo you to help get health reform as in united states congress if that'swhat you want to get the they get suspended cast happen is happening

where waiting and waiting and waitingall people die a harvard study was published just two weeks ago said fortyfour thousand americans die every year for lack of health coverage that's over four thousand almost every month while we were debating this today on thefloor of the house another forty of them dot but how does this get the debateback on track because again i didn't have to turn the fact that there is abill and on the other side there is

nothing is that a lot of negativism pakistanblocking every single thing that you tried to get these come up withsomething is important but we we should give the congressman's asapthanks for something that he is at least giving aptitude for republicans toresponsible in this debate welfare hillary clinton says let's say that therepublicans have no i think that they actually but i thought i would like toask are already a graduate at before uh... i play james carvel asking thatquestion there

this is the brilliance of alan graysonand his political strategy now first of all everything he's sayingis is true right i mean you can say oh it's going to force they want people todie quickly the off acts of their policies thatthey're in favor of or not to be able sp what will happen if you implement therepublican policies which we had by the way before obama care people dot like you just said he said forty-fourthousand on these probably talking to the same studies me forty five thousandright

yeah okay there's a well they don'tnecessarily want people to die but people are dying as a result oftheir policies so it's a little bit of a new wants a little bit of a distinctionbut one of the conversation we're having see now the question that's being asked well ways i get are the republicans infavor of people dying so you changed the conversation youchange the dynamic of the conversation and political strategy is all about itwas in the question not me answer and the question is are republicans in favor of

having people dot and that's the conversation you'rehaving the democrats want why because you have up affectivelyportraying the opposition as ridiculous as extreme harlow remove codes is exactly what theyare for the policy that they're in favor so alan grayson actually nails it he's got everybody on the defense there well you're going to proposals fromrepublican on the panel

uh... and this is what you always heard fromrepublicans in terms of uh... health care reform all we should be able to buy acrossstate lines and we should do tort reform which by the way all that does is make it so that uh... people can seetheir doctors as easy has all any of the underlying problemsof health care the uh... the amount of people that areunderinsured the the bankruptcy being it

the medical building a noble cause abankruptcy a dozen address any of those things and buying a crossed a linethere's elemental lower the uh... because tremendously look they've done studies on at theamount to a lower the cost is nowhere near the amount that would be lowered ifwe did actual effective health care reform like medicare for all

republican opinion on healthcare

republican opinion on healthcare

chuck grassley is they're doing a littleat town hall meeting in iowa and somebody asked for money as hedoesn't have time to health care like you causes governing body of pretty goodhealth care is and i don't know what kind of health care i have than is needed is shouting from the backof the rule of law we have this this this is a very very good plan right and so the guys incomes rise as how cani get that i want that what you do welfare reform they do just that

i mean i don't know if you work for johndeere had a pretty good health care plan we talk about i don't work for johndeere why would i go work was done at what do you think they have performedcited don't have a more productive in the decent health care this is so hot that i did the plan like yes yes for the third time they go for whom you wanna play likemine plays overall government you know there's a cure put everybody onthe payroll situation presley

works very hard to shrink government allthe time treating government but now he's trying to hire ready to governbecause they have a great health care affect dealt with this thing but cancellationof your knows a lot of so much more effective you know the admin community for creative but ifyou know he's saying that the only place you can get we'llcover six work for the government for not able to get the you know and thatthe irony is is incredible and if it was seven ironic way it would've been

funny and sharpened but of course not although precedent door for the government insisted that ithink that larry maher so mister yeltsin one after thegovernment didn't do anything right now you tell me with a gun because theyget their doing up there so right for their own employees right number to resolve this kind of rubbingtheir faces i work for the government and uh... you know we got a great helpthere so if you don't have it

it's also dun dare otherwise professorcompared here to places where you get it coversan entire ego or for john deere remove as that happens and it's a great but otherwise the sort of book here atcincinnati like that upset it and the third thing is it's at this the most important partpeace and love i don't give a damn i'm not going togive you could help lab but i think the most important brennan that's just aboutchuck grassley a problems in our front line in the most important part is

the did win when talking about it when asked about itdirectly all that this senator can come up withwas right here along the way to really getthe cover of darkness would work for the federal debt i mean that is best the story right there and and that's actually enact those alarger point of people have a point

this is like how do i get coveragethat's good likeness i'll plan health john deere cats and i would feel butwhen he was running for president again of course by the president of thereporting universal talking about that the or parking lot but he he uh... he what he talked aboutwas how come i have the best coverage in america how come you have to work forthe u_s_ government of the best coverage in america and and it's really true i mean and thatis that is the most appropriate you knowthat the republicans complain about the

democrats voting congressional payraises only helping themselves this is the most glaring example of whyit's good to be government and i'm not how far different than for that but at the example let everybody have aplan like that say listen we've got a great plan in the government let's tryand see if what what we can extrapolate from that plant and apply it to everyamerican european trucks well the subscribe to what the future ofgeneral not only

Friday, February 3, 2017

republican obamacare replacement

republican obamacare replacement

the right is overjoyed for anynumber of different reasons that under president trump obama careis likely to be destroyed, but there is one particularfinancial incentive towards that destruction that you may not befamiliar with, so we are going to focus on that in thisvideo today. that has to do with two taxes. they will presumably be askedwith the law affect only those with the making ã± making$200,000 or more. the break the aca repeal willbring to those taxpayers will

amount to a $346 billion - video buffering ã± making more than $200,000 peryear. let's break down what those twotaxes are, and why they were initially put into the billand what will happen when they get rid of them. the taxes in question are knownas, the medicare tax on higher income individuals, andthe net investment income tax. but again, it only applies tothe income that exceeds the

$200,000 threshold. the net investment income tax isa levy meant to complement the medicare payroll tax. it applies on investment incomesuch as capital gains, dividends and interest income for thosemaking, again, $200,000 or more. and it's not like, this couldtheoretically happen, it will be interesting won't it,no, people are aware of it. the former tax policy director ã± it was for a conservativethink tank ã± said, "to me

personally, that's the best partabout repealing obama care. because on the healthcare sideof it, you have this comp located replace the market ortwo after that, but on taxes it's all easy ã± it's alldessert." there you have it, there's theelection. he just ruined dessert for me. that was the whole point of thiselection, dessert. that's what the republicans havealways wanted ã± yummy tax break ã±

buffering ã± you're making a good living. you're not a billionaire, andif you live on the coast, those folks actually think theyare struggling. you know that's not true, butthat's how they feel, but it's okay, they are going to have atax increase to $467. and believe me, they are notgoing to feel it. -- happens to people making over$1 million. do you know how much they'regoing to save from these trump

tax cuts from just repealingobama care? on average, each one of them isgoing to save over $36,000. so what you did by electingdonald trump, is he gave every millionaire in the country$36,000 to put in their pockets, and now, all those 20 ã± 30million people are going to be uninsured, because they say, ohwe'll replace obama care, but in order to pay for that you neededthe ã± these taxes ã± you think they are going toincrease taxes later?

inconceivable, so they will haveno money to do any kind of healthcare plan. there's going to be no replacingof the health care plan, so whatever they replace it withwill be bare-bones. it won't be able to cover you atall, and so all of you ã± not every person in the country, ifyou are employed i get it, you have insurance through youremployment, etc. ã± but there's going to be literally tens ofmillions of people left uninsured, and for all of us,we're going to have much worse

insurance, and go back to thedays possibly of, you have a pre-existing condition, you're ahuman being, you once sprained her ankle, that's it,pre-existing condition, i don't cover you, you give me the moneyand i give you nothing in return. we're going to go back to thosedays so that every millionaire in the country for $36,000 intotheir pocket. congratulations on voting fordonald trump. and that is just a side effectof what they are getting

for the aca being taken away. we've already broken down thatfor those in the .1%, the actual tax cuts he's goingto pass will literally put millions of dollars into theirpockets. this is just a little bit ofdessert sprinkled on top. is going to drop. many of them will have to goback to using the emergency room for routine stuff, because theydon't have insurance, and for

those who are able to get it,they are going to ã± taken away. so, you know, at what point ã±you think this pushes us towards joining the rest of theindustrialized world and getting single-payer health care? i think this will push us to itcloser. i saw the video that eric wilderdid with the transporter at the $15 rally, fight for 15, and hesaid, the people who voted for trump, we know he's a con man ã±i mean, southerners don't like

him, he's a northern yankeejackass running his mouth from new york city, they didn't likehim, but he makes the point that, that's how desperate wewere for someone to give us something that we could grasponto. so maybe now, obviously, you andi, they are going to make life worse for americans. so, if we remembered whathappened after six years of george bush, people had enoughof it, and we had a black guy as our president, a democraticsenate and house, a filibuster

proof majority for a couplemonths there, and what do we do? we took that opportunity to donothing for people except pass a right wing healthcareplan. we didn't break up the banks, wedid have a revolution. you know, we had the reaganrevolution, the new deal, the antitrust, the civil war,it's time for another one, and hopefully this horriblegovernance of donald trump will wake people up to it, andhopefully we'll get rid of these corporate democrats, andthat's what it's going to take.

nancy pelosi already says thatshe doesn't think the democrats want a new direction. she's wrong, that's why i'murging people to start a third party, i'm trying to see ifbernie will do that, but i don't think that will happen. but i think trying to fix thedemocratic party is going to be a fools errand. i think it will be difficult, ithink starting a third party is infinitely more difficult cult.

remember ross perot? back in 1992, people were sickof this shit. now 40% of the country considersthemselves not affiliated with either party. but people think ross perot gavethe election to the democrats. he did. that is generally what can endup happening. he was incredibly successful,but he didn't come anywhere close to becoming president.

but we could have a realprogressive movement, and a real coalition government. anything is possible, i wouldlove for us to go back to like, the new deal or something likethat, but in the short term, this is going to correct thefinances of our country. we know how hard it is to everraise taxes in our country. god knows how many services willbe lost as the ripple effect of losing this tax revenue, andonce his tax revenue goes through ã± we've looked at thebush tax cuts, we've looked

at the 10 year estimates for thenumber of people that ended up dying as a result of that,increased deaths due to risk ã± production of services andthings like that, and it literally led to, thousands ofpeople lost their life. so i guess we can and shouldlook forward to what's possible a long time from now,but people will literally die from the results of thesechanges, and they will not benefit from any hypotheticalawesome future, unfortunately. people are saying that statesshould lead the way to

single-payer health care, theydid it in color ã± they try to do in colorado. we are not to dissolve thethird-party debate right now. i think we're close. because the calvary has not yetarrived. they are at sending rock. on the first person to say that. and we are going to test jimmy'stheories out, because your theory was, under trump is goingto get so bad that we are going

to need strong democrats orprogressive ã± submitting and surrendering totrump, and they are not going to do any better for years fromnow, but jimmy i hope you are right, because it's going to getreal bad. they are stripping the wholething down. it's like somebody left a car inthe wrong part of town, and they come back and it's oncinderblocks, and they've taken everything valuable out of thecar. that's what they are going to dowith the country.

that's what they did in turkey. they are going to loot it. and the looting has begun, andthis is part of the looting. we have the head of the centeron policy saying that this plan of donald trump sees at the oddsã± seems at odds with the narrative of what this electionwas entirely about. so yes, half the trumpsupporters don't care about any of this. they are like, look, as long asyou hate the same people i

hate, i don't care. you want to take it from mypocket? what do i care? just so long as i get to feelgood about hating the right people. but half of trump supportersreally believe the stuff he was saying. a lot of you think, no theydidn't really believe him, did they?

some of them did, and when theycome to find out, oops, now i don't have healthcare, my kidsdon't have healthcare, why? because every millionaire had toget $36,000 under donald trump. he told me he was againstgoldman sachs, and he filled his cabinet full of guys fromgoldman sachs. and when that happens, peopleare going to wake up and say, we've been had. well, there better be strongprogressives to give people the opposite message, and givepeople hope for what can be done

right, and how the system is ã±you were right ã± the system is fixed against you, but let's gofix the people who rigged the system, the powerful, not thepowerless. and we will fight back againstthe people who rigged the system, and i believe in thelong run that we will win.

republican obamacare alternative

republican obamacare alternative

every word of obamacare the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery. you would repeal obamacare, but what is the alternative? repeal and replace with somethingterrific. republicans have still not come up with acoherent plan.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

republican nominee polls

republican nominee polls

over in the u.s., hillary clinton has a five-pointlead over her rival donald trump in a recent poll... heading into the national party conventions.park ji-won updates us on the race for the white house.democratic party candidate hillary clinton has a five-percentage-point lead over herrepublican rival donald trump... ahead of the party conventions this week and next...and despite the controversy over her email server.according to the latest poll by the wall street journal and nbc news,... the former secretaryof state leads her gop rival with 46-percent to 41 percent.the poll was conducted july 9th through 13th with a thousand registered voters.

the same poll also showed that only 38 percentof republican respondents said they are satisfied with trump as their gop nominee,... while54 percent of democrats said they're satisfied with clinton. meanwhile, both candidates reacted to sunday'sshooting in baton rouge that left three police officers dead and three others wounded.trump took to twitter to say in one post that america is "divided and out of control"...and in another post he demanded law and order. clinton said in a statement sunday... thatthere is "no justification for violence" and called for unity,... saying americans must"stand together to reject violence and strengthen our communities."over in cleveland, the stage is set for the

republican party's national convention anda security alert is in place to ensure it all goes off safely. "the republican party’s four-day nationalconvention is set to begin monday afternoon here in quicken loans arena. all eyes areon how presumptive candidate donald trump will be officially nominated as the republicanpresidential candidate. park ji-won, arirang news, cleveland."